%99 of American people are deficient in minerals and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease". Source: U.S. - Senate Document #264. (please google)
Nutritional Deficiency Diseases - Here is an example that can result from nutritional deficiencies:
Deficiency: Blood Sugar Imbalances (Chromium & Vanadium) Diseases Resulting: ADD/ADHD, Adrenal Failure, Anxiety, Bed Wetting, Bipolar Disorder, Cardiovascular Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Elevated Cholesterol & Triglycerides, Fainting Spells, Fatigue, Hyperactivity, Hypglycemia, Infertility, Learning Disabilities, Migraine Headaches, Moodiness, Narcolepsy, Night Sweats, Obesity, Peripheral Neuropathy.
Do you take your health serious? Visit my mineral site to find out what your mineral deficiencies may be at:
Fill out the requested info. and click on all the health aliments that apply to you I will receive a health inquiry minutes after you complete your info. and will contact you with the results along with what products from our line that were recommended. *Note - Please make sure you click "Budget" and choose what you are willing to spend for products.